Monday, August 22, 2011

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

You Baggers seriously need to talk to Michelle Bachmann & Rick Perry about their photo ops.   

Tea Party Caucus leader Bachmann isn't too sure about her corn dog, but Rick Perry is ready to chow down.

The Late FBI Special Agent Mark Felt aka "Deep Throat" would be proud of these two :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Health Care Reform -

You Baggers invented the idea of a health insurance mandate before you were against it. What's up with that?

History of the Individual Health Insurance Mandate, 1989-2010 - Health Care Reform -

Y'all claim Ted Kennedy was so bad, but you're pulling a Ted Kennedy on Obama by not wanting a Black Man to get credit for passing your idea into law just like Kennedy shot down President Carter's health care proposal because he was a moderate from the South.

Bagger please!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Disobey The AL Immigration Law

The Alabama Immigration Law takes effect in less than 22 days.  It's time to make some specific plans on how you will fight this law. Dozens of people have already signed the pledge to resist & can help your community.

The People of Alabama are challenging the new immigration law by engaging in civil disobedience including giving rides to undocumented immigrants, renting housing to them & preparing their federal tax returns.
Federal District Judge Thomas Thrash has criticized portions of Georgia's new immigration law declaring them unconstitutional. A similar law failed to pass in Florida.

According to Gabriela Garcia "The two parts of the law that were barred... (in Georgia) are a requirement that police officers verify the immigration status of someone who does not provide identification and a measure that made it illegal to “transport” an undocumented immigrant."

Georgia & Alabama are both in the 11th Circuit. Because the Alabama & Georgia laws are carbon copies of the Arizona law, any criticism of the Georgia law by a Federal District Judge in the 11th Circuit will weaken the Alabama law before it is reviewed by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta.

Stand with your fellow champions of Human Rights by signing this petition that you will engage in civil disobedience & give civil rights lawyers such as those at the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama the grounds to fight this unconstitutional and embarassing state law in Federal Court.

If we don't fight this embarrassing & racist law, moderate businesses will pull jobs out of Alabama & conventions will stop coming here. Crops will rot in the fields. Grocery prices will increase & tax revenues will fall adding to the existing economic devastation.

Robby Scott Hill

Sign the petition at:

Immigrant Rights Petition: Civil Disobedience Against Alabama's Undocumented Immigration Law |

Why Do Working Class People Vote Against Their Economic Interests?

Glynn Wilson of the Locust Fork News-Journal interviews Dr. Wayne Flynt to find out.

The Locust Fork News-Journal » Blog Archive » Why Do Working Class People Vote Against Their Economic Interests?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Legal Schnauzer: Obama Fails to Battle Back Against Bullies

There is an economic civil war going on in America. Sometime soon, Obama will need to stare down his enemies, not be afraid to make them angry & put the baggers in their place. If he doesn't, he stands zero chance of getting re-elected.

Roger Shuler says -
(1) The president is a gifted orator who has failed to use those skills to communicate boldly with the American people; (2) The president is a constitutional scholar who has failed to stand up for fundamental matters of justice.
Read more at:
Legal Schnauzer: Obama Fails to Battle Back Against Bullies

Tea Party Morons Cheer S&P Downgrade

How stupid can the Tea Party be?  Sam Seder has the 411.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Democrats seek to pin downgrade on 'tea party'

Sometimes it's just partisan politics to blame the other party, but in this case it's also true.  The LA Times has the 411.
David Axelrod, a top campaign advisor to President Obama, led the charge over the weekend, calling S&P’s action “essentially a tea party downgrade.”
“The tea party brought us to the brink of default,” Axelrod said. “It was the right thing to do to avoid that default. It was the wrong thing to do to push the country to that point." 

Legal Schnauzer: Is Our Country Rotting From the Inside Out?

Yes, I think America is rotting from the inside out & the first internal organ to become afflicted with disease was our court system.

I brought the curious case of U.S. Magistrate Wallace Capel to the attention of Roger Alan Shuler several months ago & here's what Roger has observed.

* U.S. Magistrate Wallace Capel, who ruled on several key pre-trial issues, has never been a member of the Alabama State Bar, and therefore is not eligible to serve as a federal magistrate judge in our state. The record and the law on this could not be more clear, but lawyers from neither side have made it an issue. The mainstream media, as usual, has not bothered to report the story.
Legal Schnauzer: Is Our Country Rotting From the Inside Out?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tim James Sticks His Foot In His Mouth

Alabama politician Tim James gets racist with Tea Bagger approval.

Baggers liked this commercial so much they have featured it on one of their websites.

Baggers Love Dick, Part One

George W. Bush is coming to Montgomery, Alabama to speak to the Baggers from Faulkner University in October.  We'll discuss W's first trip to Montgomery in 1972 in another post because what's important right now is that Republicans preferred Dick to Bush back in '72.

There was another huge Dick in Alabama in 1972, but he was in the closet & pretended to be a Democrat at that time.  When Dicks swing from one party to the other, we call that a "swinging Dick" & we'll tell you all about Shelby the swinging Dick in Part Two. 

Texas Tea Party?

Shouldn't they call it the Texas Tea Party?  This is all about the oil. Right?